“Vogel und Eule is a kind of fashion
shop or we’ve called it a modest store well made by me, my girlfriend, my
girlfriend bestfriend, and a friend. This idea was just pop out and goes like
that when we were sitting in a cafe (first time we wanna do a kind of garage
sale). And i don’t know how it started, yeah i’m a bit forgot (or most) and so
that born an idea to realize Vogel und Eule (which i was designed
in march or april 2011 (i forgot), but the name was in english, “Bird”. Yeah
only “Bird”). Well, just discuss those f**king bla bla bla (or whatever you
called) and here we go on philosophy, Vogel und Eule as you know well, it’s
germany (i wanna take a few words from suomi but yeah, those words are high
classified, five stars rated) and it’s means “Bird and Owl.” Well you think
what i’ve thinking, owl is a kind of bird isn’it? Or no? Well i don’t care, i didn’t watch
Natgeo Wild to much too. Vogel (Bird), i describe that as a
freedom, but a bird isn’t specific isn’t it? It have a lot of species. That’s
what i mean, freedom are not specific, but it took all the element of life. Eule
(Owl), it’s a freaky night creature, it’s can turn it’s head to the back of his
head almost 360 degrees, it’s deadly and silence. That’s mean this thing can be
anything that i describe about owl. Well, that’s enough for our fiddle-de-dee.
Stay tuned and checks our album. Greetings! Kook-kook.” –Puja Bestara.